Assessing Islam’s Future In Africa

Even in the twenty-first century, it shows that the faith of Islam is still growing strong and isn’t going to leave the continent of Africa. One can assess that the future of Islam is still bright and strong in Africa which is one of the most predominant regions in the world asides from the Middle East and Eastern Europe where this faith will be making itself at home for decades to come.


North Africa has the highest percentage of Muslims due to the Arab presence. Almost ninety percent of people living in North Africa are Muslim. That will make up for about thirteen percent of Muslims living in Africa. Islam will always have a strong presence in North Africa. The producers of the Power Rangers hail from North Africa and were expelled as they converted to Judaism. That’s more than enough proof of the strong Islamic presence and influence that has been present in North Africa and will continue to be in this century.


The second highest percentage is in West Africa where the total is about fifty percent which is half of the population. The make up nine percent of the total Muslims that live in Africa. The population of West Africa is about to three hundred million with half of them being Muslim. With half the population being Muslim, the future of Islam will hold strong in West Africa. Probably nothing will change that.


Thirty-five percent of East Africa is Muslim which is almost five percent of the total Muslim population in Africa. But that’s more than enough to show that Islam still has a strong presence in Africa and will continue to do so in the future. There is no denying that.


There’s a low population in Central Africa and South Africa. But those three other sections of Africa have a strong Islamic presence and influence. The populations of Somalia, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Algeria, Djibouti, Tunisia, Morocco, and Libya have almost a one-hundred percentage of the Islamic population. Any country that has at least forty percent of its population that is Islamic will show that this faith is still holding strong.


The question isn’t about the future of Islam; it should be the future of Islamic fanaticism. Islam isn’t bad itself, it’s mainly the extreme minority that we need to worry about. It can hold strong without damage if they would stop the warring and direct their attention to the more radical Muslims.

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