Categories: NewsWorld

Asteriod on Close Encounter Course With Earth Today At 4:07 p.m.

Readers according to an ABC News.Com report a recently discovered asteroid is on course to have a close encounter with the Earth today and it is closer than our Moon’s orbit. I wanted to pass this onto you readers in case you get a chance to get a glance of the asteroid or stargaze at it in action. How does this make you readers feel as you read this information?

I get mixed feelings but I must admit, I have often wondered what would happen if one hit in our populated area of Washington, D.C. It could be a terrible catastrophic disaster for the area and it’s my opinion many people could be in danger and loss of life exorbitant.

The asteroid, dubbed 2014 DX 110, is about 100 feet in diameter and is set to come within 216,000 miles of Earth. A close shave by astronomical standards, considering our Moon orbits the Earth at a distance of about 238,900 miles.

Many people might not believe an object that size would not be imposing but if it were to hit the Earth, it could release an overwhelming amount of energy greater than a nuclear weapon. This gives a person a definite reason to be alarmed because one never knows the target an asteroid is headed for.

Do you know that the infamous asteroid that exploded over Tunguska, Siberia, on June 30, 1908, has been estimated to be about 30 meters to 60 meters (100 feet to 200 feet) in diameter?

It has been determined that the closest approach of DX110 will be at 4:07 p.m. ET today. People it will probably not be visible to a naked eye, but you stargazers be prepared to follow its progress across the heavens virtually. (http://www.virtualtelescope.eu/webtv/). This should be a view no-one would want to miss!

This is surprising too, this will not be DX 110’s only close shave with the Earth either because the asteroid has a one in 10,000 chance of colliding with the Earth on March 4, 2046 also, according to NASA’s Earth impact risk summary. (http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/risk/2014dx110.html).

Writer of this article is Barbara Kasey Smith and it is based on an ABC News Report

ABC News.Com

Barbara K. Smith: Barbara Kasey Smith was born in Affinity, West Virginia. She was raised in a coal-mining town of Crab Orchard, West Virginia. Barbara worked for the federal government for thirty-one plus years. She enjoys reading, writing, the theater and her family and friends. Barbara loves to write poetry and opinion articles and she has been published in several anthologies, magazines, and Internet reviews. She has had four books published. She enjoys her husband and Jack Russell terrier, Miss Daisy, to be in the room as she writes because it gives her the feeling it enhances her ability to attain her best writing moments.
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