At least an honest opponent of the RKBA

The author is honest, if ignorant, in his opposition to the 2nd Amendment and more importantly the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Amendment to the Constitution cannot however repeal a basic human right such as free speech, freedom of thought and religion, nor even the Right long pre-existing the Constitution to keep and bear arms.

This right is inherent in the human condition — the 2nd Amendment merely provides explicit enumeration and further protection for that inherent right which is recognized and explicitly protected by the constitutions of almost every state in the union. 

(Strengthening this right is also one of the most common AMENDMENTS to modern day consitutions in America as well, so there is no political possibility of such a change in any case.)

Against, at least we have a honest gun banner who admits he wishes to remove the 2nd Amendment protections.  Ignorant, but honest.

How can the ignorance be so certain?  No one single gun control law has been shown to "work’:

None of the CDC, the National Academy of Sciences, nor the US Department of Justice,  were able to find that ANY gun control reduces VIOLENT CRIME, SUICIDE or ACCIDENTS in any significant manner.

And boy did they try — especially the anti-gun CDC and the budget ravenous DoJ.

Anonymous Post:

Anonymous posts by reporters who fear for their safety.

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