Categories: World

Aussies and Kiwis Celebrate ANZAC Day

– by May Hnin Phyu

ANZAC Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.

Anzac Day is commemorated by Australia and New Zealand on 25 April every year to remember members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who landed at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. A significant number of fatalities were suffered: 2721 New Zealanders, 8709 Australians.

Hobart Daily is proud to serve his nation as a formar member of the Australian Army and celebrates the special day.

They shall grow not old,

As we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them,

Nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun,

And in the morning

We will remember them. Lest we Forget

Kiwi blogger Sakiwi posted a photo of Spitfire replica from Hamilton Memorial Park and reminisces the past events.

Although Anzac Day, the anniversary of the first day of conflict, does not mark a military triumph, it does remind us of a very important episode in New Zealand’s history. Great suffering was caused to a small country by the loss of so many of its young men.

Anzac Day now promotes a sense of unity, perhaps more effectively than any other day on the national calendar. People whose politics, beliefs and aspirations are widely different can nevertheless share a genuine sorrow at the loss of so many lives in war, and a real respect for those who have endured warfare on behalf of the country we live in.

Wilsonsalmanac explains “In Australia, it is generally commemorated with more reverence and enthusiasm than practically any public holiday, including Australia Day and Easter.” while Planetirf writes about ANZAC Day reflections.

Ravi Tandukar watches the an interview program about an elderly soldier on ANZAC eve.”His casual but humble and honest expressions matched his watery, sad looking eyes.”

While others are relaxing on the day, a Burmese Blogger Soe Htet of Melbourne is busy helping friends and posted some photos from “Shrine of Remembrance” a place where they celebrate ANZAC Day in Melbourne.


Meanwhile, In a Strange Land posts a very interesting intake of AZNAC Day celebration on this “ANZAC Day Atheist” post and expresses his strong will against celebrating ANZAC Day.

I have no problem with commemorating the dead. For the most part, my response to religious ceremonies is irony. How could these people believe such things? But irony is exactly wrong for ANZAC day.

I especially mind the way in which people who get up to attend the dawn ceremonies seem to think that they have done something noble. Relatives of men who died in the wars, and of veterans who have since died, have taken to marching in the ANZAC Day parades, ostensibly to represent their fallen and dead forbears. In practice however, they puff out their chests, sigh mightily, and adopt an air of portentous nobility, as if they themselves had struggled to take Chanuk Bair, or fought on the Kokoda Trail. Get this, poseurs – you did not fight! You did not risk your life. You are no hero. And marching in the ANZAC Day parades will not make you one.

Here are some videos on 2008 ANZAC Day

No matter what the different views on ANZAC Day are, Wellington Hive reminded again that the aussies and kiwis around the world are celebrating this memorable day. “for the rest of today and the start of tomorrow, don’t forget that the commemorations are going on all around the world. On ANZAC Day at least, around the world, the ANZAC spirit lives on”.




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