"School Rumble" is a twenty-six episode Japanese anime that is a high-school themed romantic comedy. It is adapted from the ongoing manga authored by Jin Kobayashi and published by "Kodansha." There are three different series. One is merely "School Rumble." The second is a two-episode OVA called "School Rumble – First Term Extra" which looks […]
Anime Review of Kaikan Phrase
"Kaikan Phrase" also known as "Sensual Phrase" is a Japanese-rock oriented romance driven Japanese anime series. The series was adapted from the manga that was authored by Mayu Shinjo and published by "Shogakukan." The anime is directed by Hiroko Tokita and produced by "Studio Hibari" running for up to forty-four episodes. The anime focuses on […]
Anime Review of Tactical Roar
"Tactical Roar" is a futuristic science-fiction anime title directed by Yoshitaka Fujimoto and produced by "Bandai Visual." The series ran for up to thirteen episodes which is normal for many Japanese anime titles. It the premise of Tactical Roar is that it takes place in the near future where the whole world is affected by […]
Anime Review of Touka Gettan
"Touka Gettan" is an ongoing Japanese anime series spanning up to twenty six episodes that is directed by Yuji Yamaguchi and produced by "Studio Deen." It is currently aired on "BS Asahi," "SUN TV," and "Tokyo MX TV," which are all available only in Japan and possibly other parts of Southern California. The series itself […]
Anime Review of Gallery Fake
"Gallery Fake" is a thirty-seven episode Japanese anime series that focuses on art and art galleries. The series is directed by Akira Nishimori and is produced by "Shogakukan" which has aired on "TV Tokyo" in Japan. It revolves around a small gallery called Gallery Fake owned by a man called Reiji Fujita. The opening theme […]
Anime Review of Manabi Straight!
Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!" is a comedic and futuristic Japanese anime series that spans up to twelve episodes. The shortened tight is just called "Manabi Straight!" The series is directed by a group called Team Manabibeya and is produced by the studio called "Ufotable." It had finished airing its first run from January 8-March 26, […]