"Over Drive" is a currently ongoing Japanese anime series directed by Takao Kato and produced by "XEBEC." It’s currently airing on "AT-X," "TV Aichi," "TV Osaka," and "TV Tokyo." Up to twenty-six episodes of Over Drive is supposed to be aired on those four respective TV channels in Japan. There is a manga that is […]
Anime Review of Lemon Angel Project
"Lemon Angel Project" is a thirteen episode Japanese anime drama that is also considered slice of life. It all revolves around a Japanese pop group called Lemon Angel which was an all-girl group consisting of five members. However, the group broke up under mysterious circumstances. The members ended up vanishing without a trace as well. […]
Anime Review of Hellsing
“Hellsing” is a thirteen episode Japanese anime that shouldn’t be confused with “Hellsing Ultimate” as they have different storylines. There series very much revolves around the legend of Dracula. In a sense, it looks to be a modern-day version of “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” with the Helsing family. In the series, it’s spelled as Hellsing. Instead […]
Anime Review of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA
Currently, there is a second series on the popular anime series and manga called “Hellsing.” However, the original Hellsing series wasn’t much based off of the manga. At this moment, there is “Hellsing Ultimate” which is the original video animation or OVA. There are three episodes at the moment and it’s still ongoing as it’s […]
Anime Review of Gungrave
“Gungrave” is an interesting anime series that was adapted from the actual Gungrave game that was released to the Playstation 2. It does deal a lot with zombies or anything related to the undead. But, there is nothing really scary about Gungrave that is associated with any typical zombie flick. It’s an interesting mix of […]
Anime Review of Shining Tears X Wind
“Shining Tears X Wind” is a thirteen episode anime series that had recently finished airing in Japan around June 29, 2007. This is based off and adapted from the games for the Playstation 2 called “Shining Tears” and “Shining Wind.” This is a mix of action, fantasy, and adventure. Anybody that has already played both […]