quote: In the midst of the imploding US and European financial systems and the resultant bankruptcies, nationalizations and bailouts the People’s Daily, China’s official newspaper, called for a new global currency to replace the US dollar. Writing in the People’s Daily edition of 17 September 2008 Professor Shi Jianxun of Shanghai’s Tongji University said […]
Demand Honest Currency
Anyone, Anyone can create an economic boom, prosperity, and anyone can maintain a steady rate of increase in wealth, at any time, and in any place, on the planet earth, when anyone has control of productive power. Curious readers are skeptical, but reasonable, due to the nature of curiosity, as experience rewards the interest in […]
Honest Currency The following is a letter I sent to Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich: quote: Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, Please consider moving toward honest currency. I can offer two examples. Product one is a new monetary instrument offered to qualified buyers for refinancing their homes without interest and without transaction fees. Of course there […]
Boom the Bust
The average brainwashed person is bound to believe in the inevitability of a cycle of economic booms and economic busts where society is wandering aimlessly through each high and each low of the cycle. What can possibly be done to limit the excesses during the up cycle? Nothing is the answer. Nothing can be done. […]
Legal Notice & Demand Served I delivered copies of the petition on CD to Ed Royce. The legal Notice & Demand for redress was accepted by an office person who refused to sign the legal document titled: Proof of Service. The Legal Notice & Demand for redress intends to record an official record concerning Ed Royce’s official answers to […]
Oil Power Competition +++++++++++ The Saudis are widely believed to be concerned that escalating oil prices – crude hovered around $134 a barrel Thursday, nearly double what it cost a year ago – will cause a permanent drop in demand as consumers get more efficient or, worse, the global economy slows. ++++++++++++ If, in fact, oil prices […]