Discussion may have once been a means to an end. What is it today? I can offer, to anyone who has a working definition, that discussion is a relationship between people as people exchange accurate data. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=GIR20080511&articleId=8942 Suppose people exchange inaccurate data and suppose someone claims that such an example of exchanging […]
Time to improve the meaning of change
http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/174929 I am currently reading that link above. Any-one may do well to read it too. Since the power to purchase belongs to anyone who earns that power, by any means, the nature of our “National Interest” includes an interest in preserving that power to purchase. If people allow their minds to […]
Joe’s Law
Joe’s Law When constructive power is invested in creating power producing products constructive power can be produced beyond the demand for constructive power thereby reducing the price of constructive power, meanwhile purchasing power increases since constructive power reduces the costs of production. An application of Joe’s Law can easily be seen as […]
End The Dooms Day Parade for Good
Money runs out. Then people can’t purchase. This is a problem. Who needs more money? How can we earn more money? I want to purchase. I need to purchase. Do you want to purchase too? Let’s figure out a way to earn more money so we can buy more stuff and this time we need […]
The end of currency?
Modern industry is paralyzed by confusion regarding money. This fact causes production costs to increase and therefore purchasing power lowers. People are apt to pass on the costs and the least powerful people lose big. Meanwhile the most powerful people sell short and reap unconscionable benefits as everyone scrambles to make sense of the chaos. […]
Energy Currency
Man Discovers Energy Currency A meme is a shared perspective and the meme guides or enables action on a specific path. An example of a meme is religion. These are words. A meme, or shared perspective, exists before words are spoken or written. The shared perspective can be true and therefore constructive or false and destructive. A […]