‘Is it that blacks are simply more culturally or genetically prone to rape than other ethnic groups? That answer is obviously “Yes”.’ This is according to one Greg Kay, in the article titled “EMPOWERMENT THROUGH RAPE [SOUTH AFRICA].” Is the myth of black people as savages with an uncontrollable sexual appetite, a sorry stereotype perpetuated […]
I Helped ‘Terrorists’ Enter South Africa
My memory of the word “terrorist” goes as far back as the old Bophuthatswana. At that time, Mkhonto We Sizwe and other liberation army militants used to enter South Africa through the Ramatlabama border to Botswana, supposedly all the way from a military training camp in Lusaka. We were told from a very young […]
Thabo Mbeki Should Call Morgan Tsvangirai’s Bluff and Recuse Himself from All Zimbabwe Mediations
In the history of mankind, there remains one man recorded to have taken unbearable amounts of abuse from the people he lived to save, which earned him reference as the Son of God. Little did we know that in our time, another man will rise, and keep marching on in the mission to save Zimbabwe, […]