Richard Borkow, Dobbs Ferry, NY In the late spring and early summer of 2007, when imminent passage of the Washington-Rochambeau National Historic Trail bill was expected in the Senate, the chief sponsor of the legislation, Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, a co-sponsor of the bill, jointly requested […]
Congresswoman Lowey Asks NPS to Give Dobbs Ferry Historically Accurate Designation
Richard Borkow, Dobbs Ferry, NY According to renowned Revolutionary War experts David Hackett Fischer and Thomas Fleming, Dobbs Ferry was the starting point of Washington’s bold 1781 march from New York to Virginia, and was a key site on the proposed Washington Rochambeau National Historic Trail. But Dobbs Ferry’s historical significance on the W-R […]
Eminent Historians Call for Correction of Washington-Rochambeau Bill Now before Congress
Richard Borkow, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Two distinguished historians have independently concluded that there is a major omission in the maps and educational material prepared by the National Park Service for the Washington-Rochambeau legislation: The starting point of Washington’s 1781 march from New York to Virginia, Dobbs Ferry, NY, is not identified. David Hackett Fischer, […]
Dobbs Ferry Campaigns for Historical Accuracy in the Washington-Rochambeau Trail Legislation
LEGISLATION TO CREATE THE WASHINGTON-ROCHAMBEAU NATIONAL HISTORIC TRAIL IS NOW BEFORE CONGRESS. THERE IS A MAJOR OMISSION IN THAT LEGISLATION The Dobbs Ferry Historical Society (Dobbs Ferry, NY) enthusiastically calls for passage of the Washington-Rochambeau National Historic Trail legislation now before the Senate and the House of Representatives (S. 686 and H.R. 1286). At the same […]