This continuing article is part of a five page letter that was sent to the U.S. Supreme Court. I ask that all Americans, that are against same-sex marriage, to do likewise. What is the difference between the sin of adultery and the sin of homosexuality? By rule, adulterers hide their sin from the public, as if […]
The Truth of Genesis: Yehovah’s New Year Has Begun, and the Temple is Coming!!
According to our Creator’s calendar, the celestial event of the Shoemaker/Levy-9 Comet began on the ninth day of the fifth month, named Av, on July 16th 1994 AD. Yehovah’s 21st anniversary of that event will about fall this year on July 26th, which is a Sunday, which I think will be the start of […]
The Truth of Genesis: A Question of Marriage, Part 2 of 4.
This continuing article is part of a letter that was sent to each of the nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices. I encourage all decent Americans that believe in morality, to do the same. Since there is a God, He told us that there is an entity of evil called Satan, whom God had put […]
The Truth of Genesis: A Question of Marriage, Part 1 of 4.
The following article is a letter that was sent to each of the nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices, at 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543. I encourage all Americans that believe in common sense, decency, and morality, to do the same. Professor Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992) wrote many books on science, including […]
The Truth of Genesis: The Sad Truth of Christianity and Judaism – The Final-End.
This is the second half of the last chapter of seven of this series, which addresses what I believe are problems with Christianity and Judaism. Haven’t you heard of the “creation/evolution controversy”? It has been resolved, but the Clergy in America refuses to allow the truth of Genesis to be distributed among the laity. They […]
The Truth of Genesis: The Sad Truth of Christianity and Judaism – The Three-Quarter End.
This is the first half of the last chapter of seven of this series, which will address what I believe are problems with Christianity and Judaism. Hopefully this will be a help to those that read this, whether they are believers in Yehovah or not. In the beginning, God created this universe, starting with the […]