This is the sixth chapter of seven of the series. We hope to wrap this up in seven chapters, and not go to an eighth. What was not mentioned in the last chapter, is that in the first Temple period (1011 BC to 587 BC), the High Priest sprinkled blood on the Arc in […]
The Truth of Genesis: The Sad Truth of Christianity and Judaism – The First End
This is the fifth chapter of seven of the series. Since I’m finding more to expound upon than I had planned, we may have to go to chapter eight. These are not written out in advance. As revealed last time, the moadim of Passover and Unleavened Bread were instituted with the “death of the first […]
The Truth of Genesis: The Sad Truth of Christianity and Judaism – The Last Middle
This is the fourth chapter of six of the series. Since I’m finding more to expound upon than I had planned, we may have to go to chapter eight. These are not written out in advance. As revealed last time, many of the “seventy souls” had not been born yet when the house of Jacob […]
The Truth of Genesis: The Sad Truth of Christianity and Judaism – The Mid-Middle.
This is the third chapter of six of the series. Those of you that like soap operas and intrigue, this chapter is for you. As we pointed out last time, it was forbidden for any of the children of Israel (Jacob) to marry any of the Canaanites. The Messianic bloodline was to flow from […]
The Truth of Genesis: The Sad Truth of Christianity and Judaism – The First Middle.
This is the second chapter of six of the series. In Genesis chapter ten, just as Ham failed to instruct Canaan, Cush failed to instruct Nimrod, who ended up wanting other men to worship him as a god. Take note that Genesis 10:7-8 sets aside Nimrod from his other brothers, being a subtle way to […]
The Truth of Genesis: The Sad Truth of Christianity and Judaism – The Beginning
In Genesis chapter three, it opens with “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden”. Let’s not fool ourselves. This was not the first time […]