Healthy white teeth absolutely add to person’s overall beauty and self-confidence. Going to the dentist for regular check-ups is the best way to keep that beautiful smile, but for many people, regular trips to the dentist are impossible because of time and many constraints. There is also he fact that many people simply are afraid […]
Masjid dalam Pura “Tanda Konflik atau Toleransi?”
Om,Suastiastu… Masjid dalam Pura “Tanda Konflik atau Toleransi?” Bahkan masjid Babri di kota Ayodhya, dibangun oleh Sultan Babar dengan menghancurkan mandir tempat kelahiran Rama. Masjid ini kemudian dihancurkan oleh orang-orang Hindu pada tanggal 6 Desember 1992, untuk kembali di-atasnya dibangun mandir untuk Rama. Penghancuran masjid ini telah menimbulkan spiral kekerasan ,baik di India maupun di […]
Tentang Fatwa Mengharamkan Yoga
Fatwa dari MUI yang meharamkan yoga sebetulnya sah-sah saja, karena dimaksudkan untuk melindungi keyakinan umatnya. Pada dasranya, Yoga adalah sebuah teknik penyatuan antara jiwa dengan Paramatma. namun yoga yang berkembang melalui teknik olah tubuh ini, lebih dikenal dengan Hatha Yoga. dalam Hatha Yoga ini ada sebuah mantra pembuka untuk matahari, untuk Guru, dan juga Namskara […]
Kecak Dance
“Cak,Cak,Cak.cak,cak,cak,cak,cak,cak……” , when you hear that sound, it means that the dance performance has begun. Get ready for something extraordinary. Next to Uluwatu temple at the southern tip of Bali, there is an open air amphitheatre where a local group of dancers perform the kecak dance daily. The performance usually starts at 6 pm and […]
PANYEMBRAMA DANCE/The Balinese Way to welcome
Balinese people are well known for their hospitality, so Bali has developed a great series of welcomes everyone. Thirty eight years ago, I Wayan Berata, after spending many years learning Balinese dance and traditional instruments, made a composition for a new dance called Panyembrama. The name of the dance cones from the Balinese word for […]
Pura Luhur Tanah Lot ( Tanah Lot Temple ).
Tanah Lot is claimed to be the work of the 15th century priest named Dang Hyang Nirartha, who saw the rock-island’s beautiful natural setting during his travels and took his respite there. Some fishermen observed him, and decided to bring him gifts. After his night on the island, Dang Hyang Nirartha spoke to the fishermen […]