Even with no product and no Web site, you can get paid for what and who you know Making money online used to pretty much require you to have your own Web site, products to sell and some marketing savvy. But a new generation of dot-coms have arisen that will pay you for what you […]
Nigerian Police Turn to Gangster Tactics
The Nigerian police have long had a reputation for needless highhandedness and unjustified bloodlust. So embedded is this fearsome reputation in the popular imagination that Nigerians have taken to describing mobile police officers as “kill-and-go.” The picture is of officers quick to draw their guns, take aim at (usually) innocent citizens, and let out a […]
Slavery brainstorming
Black People have been victims of slavery’s brainwashing. U-ropeans took us from our fore fathers land, To a land of Nothing! We showed them love and Civilization, which flowed down the River Nile. From I-thiopia to Egypt and then to Greece and then to Rome. We were taken into captivity and scattered from the place […]
None but ourselves can free our minds
One pen, one word, one poem, one person, one prayer, one deed Is all I need To sow the seed Of anti- greed Kneading the dough of spirituality I glimpsed the glow of eternity Go within or go without Was the elders shout Behold the power of the holy trinity Divine, everlasting life entity Atoms […]
Hip Hop apologies
Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur of AllHipHop.com is calling for Hip Hop to apologise to all women especially women of colour for “bold misogyny and rampant sexism” – I would add to that an apology to the LGBT community for rampant homophobia which is conspicuously absent from Creekmur. Creekmur uses the analogy of the US Congress considering […]
Latin America:the invisible people
A very glossy presentation from the Miami Hearld on African Latin Americans The descendants of Africans living in Central and South America have for the most part lived the past 400 years as invisible people as this video shows. A couple of years ago I wrote about a meeting I attended of mainly African Latino […]