Edward Lucas, British journalist for "The Economist", held a lecture on 30th October in Riga. The lecture was in fact presentation of his new book ("The New Cold War"), which is translated into twelve European languages, Latvian among them. This "anti-Soviet" book, as his friend in St.Petersburg called it, is to be published in Russian […]
Public opinion poll on holidays in Latvia.
According to information published by Delfi.lv V-Day, commemorated both European (8th May) and Russian (9th May) style in Latvia, in it’s "Russian" version is accepted as holiday by 5% of ethnic Latvian respondents of recent public opinion poll, while it is favoured by 54% Russian and 41% of respondents of other nationalities . "Russian" V-Day […]
New anti-minority language legislation is prepared in Latvia.
Latvian news portal Delfi.lv reported earlier this week, that new bulk of anti-minority legislation (amendment in Labour legislation) is prepared by Latvian government. Level of proficiency in Latvian will be added into work contracts as special feature. Businessmen will be obliged to create list of working positions with level of proficiency in Latvian necessary to […]