There are people in our society who are suffering from bouts of being angry at their spouses’, children, relatives, friends, co-workers, and other associates. Anger builds to a rage within the mind, heart and soul, and it causes people to act out by saying and doing things they’ve never done before. Anger and rage can […]
Powerful American’s Make Mistakes Too
People in America are seeing many testing’s taking place in today’s society and whether we want to admit it or not, all wrong happenings affect each and every one of us. When we see our powerful military leaders falling short in their personal lives, it’s my opinion "they’re" humans just like the rest of us […]
A Turkey Attack Hurts
Thanksgiving looms in the air as leaves flitter here and there, "Old Tom" struts and ambles in the barnyard scares the mare. He pecks the ground offers me a heads-up and a wink, before I know it; he’s running after me afore I can think. I don’t know what to do as spurs hit me […]
Death is Hard on the Strongest
The cold wind whips leaves around me like soot from a chimney, the sky, a golden orange, casts a colorful tinge upon the earth. Trees appear to be lost without their bushy skirts covering them, there’s only a few dead leaves remaining on their bare limbs. The robins and other birds must have hibernated for […]
The "Heart" is Vital to Life in Different Ways
A heart’s dangling on a pinnacle by clogged veins; surges at full throttle but cannot manage its reigns. It thrusts like a sporadic machine gone haywire, underlying problems cause exertion, a risk of expiring. A nucleus thrives pulsating to keep life alive and well, it’s important to receive signals to warn and to tell. A heart rules survival among the […]
Egos Could be the Cause of Marriage/Relationship Failures
A couple can appear to be perfectly happy when unexpectedly one or the other finds out their spouse/partner is having an affair. It can be heart rendering for their partner and it hurts more when there are children involved. The woman/man will ask themselves, "Where did I go wrong?" They’ll start to lose their self-confidence […]