10 November 2012 : The issue of drug shortages has taken a downward trend since last year, but the problem remains as serious as it was before. The short supply of medications is regarded to be a critical issue of concern but the fact that the condition has become less complicated than the previous years. […]
Statins Alleviate The Risk Of Death In Diabetic Patients
29th October 2012: As per a recent clinical investigative study it has been found that the individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes and taking the aid of statins are associated with a lower risk of mortality as compared to the ones taking the non-statin drugs. The study was carried out by a research group that […]
Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Fail In Its Dengue Vaccine Trial
22 October 2012 (http://www.xmaspharmacy.com/) : The insignificant results of the dengue fever vaccine trial lead by the Sanofi Pasteur pharmaceutical company has not only shocked its clinical professionals but also the pharmaceutical experts of the Biotech field. And, in an attempt to find out what went off the beam; the researchers are closely monitoring the […]
FDA gave green signal to Sanofi’s Aubagio drug
The approval of Sanofi-Aventis’s Aubagio drug by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for treatment of relapsing forms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in adults is regarded to be one of the most significant clinical aspects of the drug company. Once the drug becomes popular it is regarded to act as a highest gainer for Sanofi […]
A glass of milk a day, keeps your obesity away
22 August 2012, USA, California( Xmaspharmacy.com): A latest and breakthrough clinical research implication proved that a natural component present in milk has the potential to shield overweight individuals against obesity. This research may result in a wide range of future implications as milk is easily available as well as affordable. The research that was carried […]