Bangladesh is one of the developing countries of the third world. As a Bangladeshi we are always a bit mad to make our country more developed. And to do so obviously the role of industrialization, modernization and urbanization is unavoidable. There is also something for which we should care about. And that is our nature as long as the environment. But the fact is we event don’t valuate the natural resources as any important thing.
Day after day for our unplanned and unaware activities the environment is getting polluted and losing its balance. For example making our society developed the significance of construction works could not be devaluated.
But if we try to watch it more closer, the thing we will see that is air and soil pollution and deforestation is the effect behind the brick fields. On the other hand the sand we collect from the river bed, which is good for maintain the depth of river to resist flood. But excessive use of this technology causes river side soil erosion, which brings sufferings instead of something well.
Leave the pollution caused by any cement or Iron Rod manufacturer factory. But finally what we can see that all of our activities are ruining our nature.
No, I am not saying that we have to stop that all development works. But there are also some alternative ways in which we can resist that type of evil effects on our nature. And the three most important things we should have to catch the alternative green way to build a developed country are AWARENESS, AWARENESS and AWARENESS.
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