Or a few million? Now that the House has failed to pass the economic rescue package I have another idea. Let’s pass the hat. How about all of those fatcat bankers and hedge fund managers doing what Warren Buffet did. Bail out our country. Invest in America. Help us out here. There are quite a number of ‘Masters of the Universe’ who have become obscenely wealthy off of our unregulated free-for-all economy.
And while many of you are thinking that these guys (funny how they are all guys) are sitting home rationalizing how they worked really hard and earned all those millions, I prefer to think that they are feeling incredibly guilty. Making millions while they ran their banks and the economy into the ground. Quite an achievement. They probably feel just awful. So here is a solution. Give back the money. Do a Warren Buffet. Invest the money back into the banks you just cashed out of. Do the right thing, do the patriotic thing. Bailout our country.
All these guys played fast and loose with our economy. Taking advantage of the lack of regulation, making no attempt to police themselves. And no doubt contributing to the legislators who would make sure regulation would not creep in and that the invisible hand would continue to guide the economy. Little did we know that that invisible hand was stuffing the pockets of the fatcat bankers.
So boys, free your guilty consciences, start bailing!
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