Bakula Education Campaign takes off today in Leh,Ladakh

Leh, April 8 (Scoop News) –The weeklong Annual KG Bakula Education Campaign began in Leh district today. The Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Leh Rigzin Spalbar flagged off the Education Campaigners led by Executive Councilors and Councilors early this morning from Council Secretariat and they moved to various Sub Divisions and Blocks of Leh district to carry out the campaign.
Before flagging off the campaign teams for Nyoma, Durbuk, Nubra, Khaltsi and other blocks,  Spalbar reiterated that “ we need to put the education system on right track not by words but by action” . The motive of this week long education campaign should be based on self introspection  whether the teachers, parents and the policy makers really played their role proficiently or not, the CEC said and adding that the need of the hour is to bring out a positive change and concrete results rather than talking much about the education. Stressing the need of a potential education plan, strict implementation and close monitoring,  Spalbar strongly felt the need to formulate action plan for each educational institutions indicating do’s and don’ts, the current academic position, enrollment of students, strength of teaching staff, infrastructure facilities by devising a format carrying all statistics that could greatly help to review the functioning of each institutions. In this context, the CEC directed the Chief Education Officer to create a website of Education Deptt. with every information concerning education as well as the measures and initiatives taken by the LAHDC in this direction.
Reiterating late KG Bakula Rinpochey’s contribution in propagating the importance of education among the people of Ladakh in those days when people were entirely unaware about the magnitude of education, the CEC said that what we have today in terms of educated people, development, luxuries and prosperity, all are the endowment of his wisdom bestowed to us. So, every Ladakhis should be highly grateful to late Bakula Rinpochey for his initiatives and for his vision in the field of education that led us to a well-off society today.
Appealing the media organizations to highlight the basic values of education and its importance through print and non print medium throughout the year, CEC said that it will help to sustain the education campaign among the larger people and would truly bear fruits out of our efforts and endeavors.  Spalbar felt the need of a regular education program  on AIR, Leh’s schedule that would not only sensitize the significance of education among the general masses but would greatly help to make all stake holders alert and attentive towards their role and responsibility, the CEC quipped.
On this occasion, the Executive Councilor Health, Dr. Sonam Wangchok, EC, CAPD, Abbas Abidi, EC Agriculture, Sonam Dorjey, EC Tourism, Gyurmet Dorjey, the Councilors of LAHDC, Chief Education Officer, Leh, the ZEOs and the officers of ICDS were present.

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