“I didn’t know they would say, ‘We need a white person here. I understood they would want a show of diversity, but to pick up people and to reseat them, I didn’t know it would be so outright.”
Thus spoke senior psychology major Shayna Watson from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s Skibo Gymnasium on Wednesday.
It was in regards to an event tht was orchestrated by the Obama campaign. Barry Hussein Obama’s wife, Michelle, attended the gathering to cheering supporters.
Apparently, not enough “typical white people” were deciding to attend the meeting for the Obamas’ needs.
Watson was looking on as the event coordinators attempted to move people and add people—especially white people—for public display.
There are nearly four million middle-aged white men who can vote in Pennsylvania, and it’s a state that’s currently in the pocket of The Hillary. A large percentage of these middle-aged white men are blue collar men. Obama has been taking away some of The Hillary’s vote generation machine by targeting this type of voter in his advertisements.
But now he’s worried about getting “more white people” interested in voting for him just a few weeks after taped revelations about his Chicago church’s apparently racist message, which allows at least one of its soon to be retired ministers, the right Reverend Wright, who is black, to target white people, especially those wicked “rich white people”, to blame for most of America’s ills—especially the ills of black people.
Obama attempted to recover from the revelations, including the fact that he has had a long and close relationship with Wright that he is not about to denounce or end, by appearing in Philadelphia, at the other end of Pennsylvania, and calling for the nation to at least have a serious talk on race relations (as if we’ve never heard that before).
Philadelphia and close-by Delaware and southern New Jersey have significant black populations.
His apparently fake “racial harmony” attitude (remember Obama is actually bi-racial, being one-half white, with his father being Kenyan) is not the only thing that has been troubling Obama since the Wright revelations hit the stands and the air. Obama has been revealed, by his actions, to be Liberal about gun ownership rights (translation: he does not accept the Second Amendment of the Constitution) after insisting that he is. And worse, he more recently made statements in which, in trying to explain his Pro-Choice stance on abortion, he called a woman’s having an unplanned-for baby being “punished with a baby”, making many Americans’ eyebrows raise at the idea that a baby—even a “whoops” baby, even a baby that likely should be given up for adoption—can ever be a “punishment”.
His insistence that he is totally above the influence of Big Business lobbyists also seems flimsy to many who scrutinize the issue.
More and more, Obama’s messianic façade, largely the creation of the Liberal media messiahs, seems to be (deservedly) crumbling.
He once had many white champions who were eager to vote for him just to show that “The United States of White America” (Wright’s phrase) is more than ready to elect a qualified black man as President. He still does have some (although that’s a bone-headed reason to vote for someone), but he’s lost a good share of them to outrage.
Barry Hussein Obama, America is and has been more than ready to elect qualified black man to the Oval Office. The trouble with you is—you aren’t qualified.
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