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Bashar Assad easily wins re-election bid in Syria with over 73% of the vote!

People celebrate the re-election of Bashar Assad in Syria. 10.2 million Syrian citizens voted for him in the election – considered a landslide victory!

Bashar Assad has won re-election in a landslide victory in the Syrian presidential poll with 88.7 percent of the vote.

This wins him a third consecutive seven-year term in office.

“I declare the victory of Dr Bashar Hafez Assad as president of the Syrian Arab Republic with an absolute majority of the votes cast in the election,” parliament speaker Mohammad Laham said in a televised address from his office in the Syrian parliament.

A total of 10.2 million people voted for Assad.

The voter turnout was estimated at 73.42 percent.

No violations have been reported, Syria’s Higher Judicial Committee for Elections said as quoted by SANA news agency.

See video: Syria celebrates Assad re-election results http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zufjMn8Jf0

The vote however provided no respite from the war, which is still raging across the country.

Not surprisingly, the White House  declined to respond to emails requesting  a comment in this situation. The US has been accused of secretly funding the opposition which includes elements of  al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations fighting along side the rebels.

See article: US helping to train and arm Islamic mercenaries to fight in Syria http://www.wikileaks-forum.com/global-intelligence-files/161/us-helping-to-train-and-arm-islamic-mercenaries-to-fight-in-syria/10595/

See also: Why Is the U.S. Government Funding Islamic Terrorists Who Are Killing Christians? http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/08/u-s-government-is-prosecuting-christians.html

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