Days have changed a lot from yesteryears to present-day and the changes are also reflected in how we search and apply for jobs. Job searching has never been so easy prior to the arrival of the Internet, as then you require reading newspaper columns, magazines, and ads for job postings and even you require walking in to companies to try your hand in getting a job. Now, things have changed and with the Internet and with modern job portals you can search and apply for job at the comfort of your home. Not even that, now you can even have your interviews online. Modern technologies have made fast video streaming possible and through the Internet you can make and upload your videos describing about yourself, your academic history, your work, and your strengths and achievements. More technically you can create your own video resumes for searching and applying for your dream job.
Video resumes were the much coveted feature that the job seekers and the job providers are craving to get from the modern job portals. This feature has now become a success and trying to capture the job market. Video resume though seems simple at the first glance, but it isn’t and requires thorough rehearsal and study to make video resume. Although, you cannot present yourself the way film actors and actress do in movies, but you can at least follow some etiquettes of making a good video resume. Follow video resume tips, study sample video resumes e.g. CNN 30 sec pitch, and follow good practices in video resume to create video resumes. You should also make your personal branding. Both your video resume and your personal branding will help you in achieving success you have never dreamt of.
Start today! Create your own one minute video resume with Jobma. Engage yourself in self-branding, express your soft skills, and take control of your first impression. Once you complete the preceding undertaking you will get opportunity to apply for jobs right away through Jobma’s website, one of the best video resumes website on the Internet. You can also use any other job searching platform using your unique tracking code. You may also download Jobma mobile app for your iphone, which can be downloaded from Appstore. This app will change the way your search and post your video resume through mobile interface. Moreover, Jobma provides the most innovative and daily updated blog website for you to get complete benefit from knowing the nitty-gritty of modern job search.
The author of this article is associated with Jobma. Jobma allows job seekers to enhance their capability to reach employers in an exclusive and significant fashion, create your unique video resume with the help of Jobma video resume tips and get your dream job.
Article Source: Make video resume