Become Famous: Tips For Success

You don’t have to spend a fortune or do something crazy such as killing someone in order to be famous. The important thing to keep in mind that you should not try to be famous for just any reason but for good reasons. You should not do something hazardous such as leaping off a high-rise just to get your fifteen minutes of fame. The aim is to attract the attention of the media for something positive yet spectacular that you did.

Some people take up a copy of the Guinness Book of World Records and start looking through the different categories trying to see which record they can creak and achieve fame. Participating in a reality show is also a good way to be instantly famous. However, this way of becoming famous does not work for everyone. The goal is to be different and stand out from the others as a result of that. Being the best, the worst or the first at something is usually a surefire way of being famous.

Find a category which is free in the Guinness Book of Records and keep trying to be the best at that. Or think of something on your own and contact the media and show the world how you are the first person to do that particular thing. Roger Bannister was the first person to run the four minute mile in 1954, and he is still remembered for that. Being really bad at something could also help you attain fame. William Hung’s terrible Ricky Martin impressions helped him become famous for them.

You could be extremely different from your peers and be famous for that. Mahatma Gandhi was very unlike the other lawyers of his time. He broke the stereotype and that made him famous, as he was different from the rest.

You could help the unprivileged and be generous to an extent which most people won’t do. This is also a way you can help a lot of unfortunate people. Volunteers who raise awareness among the masses for a certain cause, celebrities who go on long walks and runs, etc. all figured this out.

Winning the lottery is also a great way to be both famous…and rich too!

You could uncover a plot or scandal, such as Erin Brockovich did about the company in California which was releasing toxins into the environment, which led to the deaths of many people.

You could happen to be at the right place at the right time as Wesley Autrey was, when he saved a man who fell onto the subway tracks in New York. Saving someone’s life will always make you famous.

Read more at http://celebrity01.blogspot.com

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