Being Active When Your In Line

If you live in modern society and especially if you live in a big city then you probably have to spend a great deal of time every week waiting in a line. When faced with the task of remaining still and having to most likely be bored out of your mind you may want to consider these ideas next time so as to ease your time spent when in the queue.

#1 Get in Tune

The first and probably easiest suggestion is to heighten your senses by closing your eyes and imagining the world around you. In modern life everyone spends time traveling to and from the various buildings that occupy our life. This kind of rutene has led to people generally not being aware of the things that are going on around them. A good way to ground yourself and be more mind full is to take a few minutes of the time taken when waiting to listen to everything that is going on around you. You will be surprised by how much is going on that you normally would not be on your radar.

#2 Learn new Things

This can be a great opportunity to learn new words in different languages and to memorize interesting things such as poems of famous speeches. You can find it is quite easy to to improve your education by using the times you spend waiting to learn about new ideas. Also you can further your understanding of things you have previously found interesting but otherwise would be too busy. Just 5 minutes here and there is all it take to increase your vocabulary or remember inspirational or famous quotes.

#3 planning

If you are stuck in a line up at an amusement park or when doing something on vacation you can use the time to plan out the rest of your day or week accordingly. When waiting in line for an amusement park ride you can plan out what rides you want to go on next. If on vacation you can look online at the various other things you can do in the area.

#4 Read a book

It seems like a logical choice for most people however the initial thought or bringing a book with you everywhere you go can be a bit cumbersome. So some planning ahead will do you good as there are many books available for free download that you can read later on from your cell phone or any other mobile device. You will be surprised how much you will end up reading if you do it for 5 minutes at a time when you are stuck waiting.

#5 Make Up Stories

When you are with your friends in a line up you can play the fun game of making up stories about the strangers around you. Specifics can include their childhood and what they are doing as well as make up many important events in their life. Of Course this game can be interpreted negatively so make sure the people you are talking about do not hear you!.

We hope you enjoyed these suggestions about how you can turn the boring affair of waiting in line to that of a fun time spent with friends. Be sure to check out the other ways that you can spend time when stuck in line as there are almost limitless option to entertain yourself.

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