Benefits of Guggul – Natural Way to Lower Cholesterol

Guggul also known as Commiphora mukul in biological terms is an herb that has gained worldwide popularity due to its wonderful healing properties. It is a bushy herb from which a black color resin comes out that is extensively used for medication. It is enormously used in the treatment of cholesterol and triglyceride deposits in the body.

Researches have shown that guggulsterone, a chemical found in the guggul gum is the prominent factor in lowering cholesterol. Guggulipid, an extract of the guggul gum is also effective in lowering blood cholesterol. It is also beneficial in the treatment of various disorders like obesity, thyroid gland abnormality, high degrees of cholesterol, decreased immunity and pain. Guggul is used both as a single herb medicine and in combinations.

Benefits of Guggul

• It flushes out the toxins from the body
• It purifies the blood
• It promotes easy digestion of foods
• It is also an effective aphrodisiac agent and promotes the production of sperms in the body
• It disintegrates the cholesterol accumulated in the body
• It is also extensively used in the treatment of Cervical spondylosis (It is a special type of arthritis which affects the cervical vertebrae, i.e. the vertebrae of the neck region)
• It facilitates the movement of the bowels and keeps the digestive system clean
• It is also used in the treatment of obesity in the form of Navaka Guggul and Triphala Guggul
• It is also helpful in regularizing the respiratory tract by helping in expelling the mucus that gets accumulated in the respiratory tract
• It is also very useful in the treatment of skin disorders
• It is used in the treatment of rheumatism in the form of Yogaraj Guggul
• It is also very effective in treating problems related to the nervous system

Although guggul is very useful herb and widely used in the treatment of number of ailments but before taking it one must use guggul under the supervision of an Ayurvedic physician. Excess of guggul almost always causes a rash on the body. Also person suffering with liver conditions must not use guggul as it interferes with the liver functions. People with problems like diarrhea and inflammatory bowel disorder must avoid guggul.

Read more about the benefits of Guggul Visit Natural Cures Guide – World’s first site fully dedicated to natural cure.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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Nick Mutt: Nick Mutt is founder and CEO of Elite Informatics, an Internet Advertising Company. He runs his company with a dedicated and hardworking team of professionals, expertise in internet advertising services.

He is also an active writer and blogger on health related topics. He writes on alternative health and have contributed lot of articles on ayurveda, massage, yoga and home treatments. His articles have been published on google news, buzzle.com and many other top article directories.

His other areas of interest are writing blogs on ERP, internet marketing, tour and travel etc. He has gained an expert authors status from many reputed author's society. He is also an active member of many social networks. His articles on home treatments for common ailments have gained tremendous popularity worldwide.
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