Benefits of Magnesium:

When it comes to minerals,magnesium gets treated as a poor cousin.But this magic mineral helps in…

1) Keep nerves relaxed

2) Utilisation of vitamin B & E

3) Activating enzymes involved in metabolism of carbs,fats and proteins

4) Fighting depression

5) Fortifying the heart by preventing the build up of cholesterol

6) Providing relief from indigestion

7) Bone formation and preventing tooth decay


Green vegetables,fruits,nuts,soybeans,carrots,corns,apples,lemons and wholegrains

Deficiency: Though rare,deficiency can lead to loss of calcium and potassium in the body,renal and cardiac ailments,muscle cramps,epileptic seizures,irritability,depression and wrinkles.

4 bowls soybean(cooked) = 238 mg

100 gm radish = 196 mg

Recommended daily intake:

Men- 350 mg, Women= 300 mg, Children- 150-200 mg,Infants= 150 mg

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