Allegations made by Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto have been directed towards government officials. She charges them for obstructing the probe into the bombing as if they were protecting some people. The accusations came when Pakistan’s government had refused her request to allow experts from outside of Pakistan to be brought in to assist in the bombing probe.
She states if Pakistan had nothing to hide, they would be open to the idea of bringing experts from around the world to help with the investigation. Bhutto had survived unscathed in the bombing attack that killed about one-hundred and forty people which included twenty police officers. Police and military troops were deployed by President Pervez Musharref to secure the streets in case of an attack.
In the past before returning, Bhutto has received threats from Islamic militant groups warning her not to come back. When Musharref took power eight years ago, Ms. Bhutto put herself into exile in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Bhutto still believes that Islamic extremists were behind the attack while suggesting they had help from both current and former government officials.
Bhutto explains that there are powerful people behind the attempt on her life.
She has been criticized by Tariq Azim Khan the Deputy Information Minister for stating that the country is incapable of investigating the probe. Khan states: “It’s very sad to hear a former two-term prime minister for Pakistan doubt the integrity and the efficiency of the country’s own institutions.”
While the government states the investigation is stop priority, nothing major has been announced so far. A diplomat from the West said that it’s too early to speculate who could possibly responsible for the assassination attempt. The diplomat further adds that the investigation should be allowed to go forward as they are doing their thing as they have their procedures.
In short, it seems that Bhutto looks to be getting impatient. While there are still possible attacks on her life, Bhutto implies she isn’t satisfied with the amount of security. The government says it’s giving all the security that Bhutto needs.
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