Big Brother evictee says still in love

Big Brother latest evictee Maureen from Uganda said  when getting out of the  Africa Big Brother House 2 that she is still in love with Code.

Code was in love with Maureen while in Big Brother House before eviction. He received the shock of his life when a girl friend from Netherlands he had impregnated welcomed him during his eviction.

Code ,who had earlier been kissing Maureen seconds before eviction told his former girl friend  he loves her.

This sent people who had come to witness the eviction into laughter.

Maureen said she still loves Code although she knew that Code has s steady girl friend.

Code said in an interview  he is pleased that soon he will be a daddy.

He said he will look at ways on how to patch out differences that erupted when the former girl friend discovered he had found new love in the Big Brother House.

Code was welcomed like a hero in Malawi. 

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