Big Questions To Obama from India

1) Big Recession Time In America – At this time when Obama is coming on his hot heat of America,whole America is drown down in Recession.To get out of this a package of 700 Million Dollar has been given than also this recession has not gone.This is one of biggest fight for Obama.

2) Terrorist Fight – after 9/11 America is continuous fighting against Terrorist.Due to this Bush has done attack on Iraq and Afganishtan.But than also the border of Pakistan-Afganishtan is open for Terrorist Group Al-Quida.Obama has given strict warning to Pakistan that he can give orders to attack this terrorist group anytime without any permission.

3) Peace In Afganishtan and Iraq – In Last 16 months Bush Rule has done very much terror and attacks in Iraq.So this will be quite big question on how to call back American Army from Iraq and Afganishtan.

4) The Lost Hope Of Americans – Superpower America is going in a big recession period now days.Due to this all Americans have lost hope for anything.Also the question of Global Warning is heating everybody’s head.So this question will be hard to solve for Obama to get hope of Americans and the problem of Global Warming.

Amit Ranat: This is Amit From India

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