Billionaires for Wealthcare, a faux political group parodying the anti-healthcare reform movement, has been gaining traction on TV and the web.
The Billionaires for Wealthcare uphold the motto "If we ain’t broke, don’t fix it," record videos and stage actual marches–fully attired like the Monopoly Man, of course.
In the ‘About Us’ section on their site, the Billionaires for Wealthcare quip:
With all the talk of healthcare reform, we at Billionaires for Wealthcare have one simple question: What’s not to like about the current system?
For the last decade, heath care costs have been moving in the right direction: up. With no competition, we raise rates as often and as high as we like — 29% in some cases, simply because, well, we can. To further maximize our gains we have a star chamber of insurance bureaucrats, backed by legions of anonymous temps, who adhere to strict cost-to-profit ratios when denying claims. But please don’t call them Death Panels; we prefer “Judge, Jury & Executioner.”
The Billionaires for Wealthcare also offer signs for download with expressions like ‘Let Them Eat Advil.’
Watch the latest video from Billionaires for Wealthcare below:
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