At Ramgonj in Laxmipur district, a BNP activist was shot and wounded by gangsters. His name is Farid hossain, and he is 26 years of age. This incident happened on last Tuesday afternoon at Ramgonj municipality kalmacha area.
The injured, Farid Hossain Chowdhury, is son of Choudury Member, lives at municipal city. He was admitted to Upazila Health Comlex. After a while, when his situation deteriorated, he was sent to Dhaka for better treatment.
The local people said that, at Tuesday afternoon while he was passing the local market, some gangsters suddenly came from somewhere and shot him. When he fallen down, those gangsters ran away. No one came in front for save him for fear, and after those gangsters ran away; people took him to the hospital.
An FIR has filed in local police station about this incident. Police said that they are investigating on this matter and trying to catch those gangsters as soon as possible.