The acute stress has more physical or bodily responses but chronic stress has proportionately more harmful influence on the mind. Of course, both the types of stress affect the entire organism as we already now that the human organism is an inseparable combination of body, mind and emotions.
An individual has different aspects of his personality. He or she plays multiple roles in life. To balance the multiple roles and maintain a semblance of peace and quiet in these days is very difficult.
*intimate zone
*family and social zone
*work zone
*spiritual zone
Functional zones of an individual
That is the way the confusion actually reflects from one zone to the other in daily living. That any stressful incident in any one zone can cause ripples in all the other zones. It is not possible for any person to live in isolated zones.
For example, a person stressed in his work zone will show its effects on all the other zones. May be all these zones need a little bit of explanation
Intimate zone is a part of one’s personality where there are a lot of hidden, intimate emotions and thoughts which are normally not shared with others. That is the reason why everyone wants a certain space around him, this zone deals with ambitions, desires and fantasies of a person.
Work zone is well –known to all of us. This is he zone wherein we interact and work in a special type of relationship with the others involved in the same zone.
Family and social zone is the zone where one interacts on a more personal and intimate levels with a group of people belonging to his family and friends.
Spiritual zone is a part of one’s ideas of philosophy, religion, ideas about God and self-actualization.
Attitudes, mindsets and stress
Can attitudes and mindsets cause stress in these zones?
One very important thing to understand is that `stress is most often self-induced; external factors are only the `triggers’.
Generalization means applying a common yardstick to everything under the situation, for example, `all politicians are corrupt’; it may not be the truth.
Absolutisation means giving an absolute and final meaning to everything under consideration, for example `my teacher cannot make any mistakes.’
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