Book Review: A New Earth

Book Review: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.

Spiritual writer, Eckhart Tolle adds to his small but valuable collection of work with “A New Earth – Awakening to your life’s purpose”.

Tolle, who was born in Germany but now lives in Vancouver, explains in plain and simple language how to transform your life and live with purpose. Based on his own experience of a significant spiritual awakening at age 29, Tolle speaks with the insight of one who has lived life without purpose and then discovered the “secret cure” of this infliction.

For readers who have already enjoyed any of his previous works but particularly “The Power of Now”, this book represents both a review and a step forward along the path of spiritual seeking. Many of the key ideas regarding pain bodies which were previously discussed in “The Power of Now” are re-examined with some additional insights and important reminders. Most importantly however, the book expands on his previous teachings and turns the teachings from an individual perspective to the greater community.

Where “The Power of Now” was most useful at guiding a self-examination and assesment of one’s own thoughts and feelings, “A New Earth” helps to guide how to put those lessons in to practice across all aspects of life.

Tolle is straightforward and plain-speaking, and his new perspectives hit an immediate chord. As he states himself “This book’s main purpose is not to add new information or beliefs to to your mind….but to bring about a shift in consciousness…this book is about you…”

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