The average brainwashed person is bound to believe in the inevitability of a cycle of economic booms and economic busts where society is wandering aimlessly through each high and each low of the cycle.
What can possibly be done to limit the excesses during the up cycle?
Nothing is the answer. Nothing can be done. The up cycle is inevitable, so get in and grab all you can while the cycle is booming. The sky is the limit.
What can possibly be done to limit the extreme depressive lack of business during the down cycle?
Nothing is the answer. Nothing can be done. The down cycle is inevitable, so suffer and bear it.
The smart guys are in tune with the inevitable business cycle, like a conductor is in tune with an orchestra. The conductor points over to the string section and waves the command to buy now, buy now, buy now, the cycle has hit bottom. As the cycle regains power from the bottom the conductor moves his magic wand over to the wind section, buy now, buy now, and buy now, as the music of boom builds higher and higher in volume and speed.
The conductor knows when to hold the percussion section with a command and a wave of his wand. Hold on, don’t buy, it is time to get ready for the crash. Then the peak at the top is reached on pure momentum as the conductor waves frantically to the percussion section, sell, sell, sell, sell, while the mindless economy crashes inexplicably, inevitably, and without any warning – even contradicting the brass sections dissonant cries of further boom during the fall.
The conductor is the legal money monopoly, or The Dollar Hegemony. The idea is to cause the boom and then cause the bust on time like clockwork. The plan works. The feeble minded, the ignorant, and the dupes play along voluntarily like an orchestra filled with professional musicians who pay the conductor for a seat in the orchestra and each musician drops a hat or a instrument case on the floor for donations. The music is horrible, but people still play on. The result of the boom cycle is a flow of power from those who create power to those who conduct and play the music. The mad race to produce anything at all causes many products to be produced that would otherwise never sell. The mad race going up into the boom also produces destructive products, because the influx of liquid power spills into the hands of mad men. The conductor makes sure of this fact.
The boom must be busted somehow; it would never serve the conductor’s or the demonic musician’s purpose to allow the boom to continue ever higher upward. Too much power would spill out; too much power would reach the hands of the intended victims. Too many people would become strong, independent, and autonomous. Too much power would empower people to play their own music.
That would be very bad for the conductor and the demonic musicians who plan on and cause the business cycle. There would no longer be anyone listening to the demonic dissonance of the brass section calling for more spending near the top, spending on war, spending on torture, spending on terror. No signal by the conductor to anyone who would listen or cause a wild mad rush to sell everything and buy nothing as the percussion section hammers the end of the boom and beats down the peak of the gluttonous power climax.
People would merely behave rationally because people would have all the power they needed to accomplish whatever they wanted anytime they felt like employing the abundant supply of power, and they could do so rationally.
For those of you who have been reading my posts I am going to link a reminder to you as the conductor and the musicians are creating the down cycle and pushing that cycle to new lows, and a new bottom.
That link is a historical record of one example of music played outside the demonic orchestra’s assembly.
Please consider rejecting, even for just a moment, all the lies that spew forth from the demonic orchestra’s music, such as: The interest rate must be increased to punish the excesses of poor investment.
That type of sound is generated by the demonic orchestra.
The interest rate must be higher.
Look at the link. The interest rate can be negative. When the producer of legal money wants to create a boom the producer of legal money can write a check from the magic check book. The producer of legal money can then give that money to anyone the producer of legal money wants to have that money. The cost of getting that money is the interest rate.
If the producer of legal money does not have access to the tax fund where tax-payers earn and then send power to the tax fund, the producer of legal money does not produce legal money. The producer of money that is not legal does not have a magic check book, because the tax-payers do not pick up the tab, during the down cycle toward recession and depression.
The producer of legal money in America is a group of people who run a company called The Federal Reserve Corporation and those people have the magic checkbook because those people have access to the tax fund where the working people send their power. The working people send their power as tax payments, tax obligations, and a promise to keep on paying for as long as they work and live within reach of the tax collectors.
Without that link between The Federal Reserve Corporation and the tax fund, The Federal Reserve Corporate People would not have a magic check book where the tax payers bail out all debts caused by The Federal Reserve Corporate People’s investments.
The link between The Federal Reserve Corporation and the tax fund is the link to The U.S. Treasury. If you pay taxes to the U.S.A. your past pay, your current pay, and your future pay goes to The U.S. Treasury fund. The Internal Revenue Service makes sure that everyone keeps their promises to keep on paying so that The Federal Reserve People can keep their magic checkbook and continue creating the boom and bust cycle.
The promise to pay future payments to The Internal Revenue Service is now a promise to bail out the musicians who collect interest, then make bad investments (bad music), create debt, and lose their shirts when the debt becomes due, so the taxpayer can assume that bad debt, and the musicians can keep their million dollar homes, their expensive cars, and their lavish lifestyles.
The taxpayer must then work more hours for less in return because more of the value of his production goes to more of the musicians who are now part of the ever larger and growing orchestra.
Remember the sound of the demonic music?
Here it is again:
The interest rate must be higher.
Here is the link again:
That is negative interest. That is interest that is less than zero interest. The producer of the legal money, in that historical case above, pays people to spend money. That is a factual possibility once the producer of money has access to the tax fund, the producer of money can pay people to spend money. The producer of money who has access to the tax fund can charge negative interest and by that method the producer of money can create a boom while every other producer of legal money is creating a bust.
That link proves, by historical fact, that the producer of legal money can begin an economic boom at will. The producer of legal money can sustain a boom for as long as the producer of legal money can invest that money wisely. As soon as the producer of legal money can no longer invest that money wisely the producer of legal money will no longer be able to sustain an economic boom.
Why did The Federal Reserve lower their interest rate to a level that was negative? Who received the magic money from the magic check book? Where did The Federal Reserve spend that magic money? What did the people at The Federal Reserve invest that magic money into? What was produced by that magic money investment? Was that investment sustainable?
Look at the link.
Here it is again:
The people who seize control of the business of printing legal money must also seize control of the tax fund and the means by which taxes are collected. Once that power to produce legal money is seized by people, then those people can create an economic boom. Those people who seize the power to create an unlimited supply of legal money have the power to invest that money into some other form of production.
Look at the history.
What happens when the people who seize the power to create legal money invest in war?
Now listen, please, to another phrase that is sung by the demonic orchestra. You, the reader, may not recognize the dissonant melody right away. Play this phrase in your mind a few times, not too many times, to see if this phrase becomes familiar.
War is good for the economy.
War is good for the economy.
The reason why that phrase is dissonant to everyone except the musicians who play that demonic music is that the sound of that music is torturous and murderous to the victims of war. The victims of war, the ones who pay the bill, are tortured by that music. The ones who pay the tab are murdered by that music. The ones who receive the power from the victims of war are the ones who play that tune, and they love it.
War is good for the economy.
Look at the link and read that link. After reading that link, listen.
Listen to those phrases.
The interest rate must be higher.
War is good for the economy.
Those are signals played by the conductor who has control of the magic check book, which is backed with a promise by the tax payer to pay any bill, any bad investment, any cost incurred by the conductor who spends the tax fund on any investment including war – including a war that can not and will not be won.
War is good for someone’s economy.
The interest rate is (now) too high for someone.