Breaking: Journalists send out of Parliament

“Get out of the Parliament now, no Journalists are allowed to attend the today session” security men told the Journalists. Over fifteen Journalists who do attend the Parliamentary sittings were send away to day, as the Parliament sit to discuss insecurity in the capital city, Juba. The Journalists express worries; Mary Ajith a Journalists of Citizen newspaper said that nothing is secret for the public as the Parliamentarians think. She the action of the Parliamentary executive and the security people has shown the degree of oppression in the country. Mary disclosed that it’s not the first time that Journalists had been sent out of the Parliament.

 “Its culture of our Parliament that any time they discuss internal security issues, Journalists will not attend” Mary continued. According to Parliament today program, the Parliament is suppose to discuss the insecurity in Juba, Gudele area that claimed lives of eight civilians last week.

The Parliamentarian first session on the insecurity issue in Gudele was a challenge to the Government as the MPs break in to tribal bases instead of looking on the matter as nationals concern. Mary asked the security person on reasons as to why Journalists are send out, but the security person said that they received the others from above. A security man who fears identification told the Journalists to keep in the Parliament compound. He said that the Chairperson of the committee of Information and security affairs will brief the Journalists after the session, but the Journalists walk out saying that they don’t rely on second hand information.


Joseph Edward: Mr. Joseph Edward Issa is a Graduate of Mass Communication, Supiri Institute of Management and Information Technology with five years of work experience in print and online media, currently correspondent to New Times a local newspaper, correspondent of the Theniles (www.theniles.org), Stringer of the Africa News Network (www.africanews.com) contributor of the www.groundreport.com www.allvoices.com and managing Editor of the The New Agenda blog. He is informed of the social, political and economically situation of the South Sudan. He has long background in border coverage, the ongoing debate between Sudan and South Sudan and Jonglei inter-community conflict. In mid 2013, he succeeds to be the leading researcher for Global Integrity, Mo Ibrahim Foundation Africa Index in South Sudan for 2013. He is also an active social media user, managing over fifteen social media groups, forums, blogs including twitter, Skype, LinkedIn. He has developed five blogs to reach the message of peace and advocate for human rights and rule of Law. The main are; The New Agenda, http://southsudanagenda.blogspot.com , The Initiative for Peace Communication Association http://southsudanfreemedia.blogspot.com , http://mayaculturalfoundatio.blogspot.com and http://peacejournalistsnetwork.com . The New Agenda blog is the most popular online media with five contributors across the country. It publishes stories which critical to the ongoing conflicts and promote democracy, peace and rule of law. He is also managing five facebook groups and four facebook pages to expand national debates. The main groups are: South Sudan Constitution review Forum, Horn of Africa Media Monitoring Committee and Voice of Women. The main facebook pages are: Peace Journalists Network and Initiative for Peace Communication Association. Based on his experience, I recommended Mr. Joseph Edward to undertake the research.
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