The cosmetic need to increase the size of a woman’s breasts usually arises post surgery or just for indulgence. A breast implant involves the use of a prosthesis to enlarge the size of the breasts. The procedure is alos referred to as breast augmentation or mammoplasty enlargement or augmentation mammoplasty. The implant may be indulged in for cosmetic reasons or to reconstruct the breast or breasts after mastectomy surgery or one to rectify genetic deformity. The breast implant is also considered during a sex change surgery. Whatever the reason, the cosmetic surgical procedure or the breast augmentation procedure is attempted world wide.
There are two primary breast implant types; one is the saline-filled implant and the other is the silicone gel filled implant. In the former, the implants have an elastomer shell, usually made of silicone that is filled with sterile saline liquid. The silicone get filled breast implants comprise a silicone shell that is filled with silicone gel. Today, there are a number of alternative breast implants also developed and successfully used, like the soy oil breast implant and the polypropylene string breast implant. Breast implants can be considered in the case of the need for primary augmentation or revision-augmentation, post surgery. The procedure can also be considered to replace the removed breast tissue in the treatment of cancer or tissue that is not properly developed due to severe breast abnormality.
Usually, the trend observed is that women who seek the expensive breast augmentation procedure are usually younger and from a higher social and economic status. They are also ones who face a lot of distress with regards to their appearance or victims of teasing! Clinical research reveals that most women who take to cosmetic surgery procedures or more precisely, undergo breast implantation have undergone psychotherapy. They are recognized as women with low level of self-esteem and suicidal in nature. They are observed to be distressed and depressed and at times, suffering from some mental illness. On the same subjects, the post-operative surveys reveal better mental health and improved quality of life.
Breast implants have enabled a number of women to achieve the desired physical health and appearance, social life and self confidence. Of course, a major observation is that the self esteem and transitory improvement arises from the increased sexual attractiveness. The saline-filled breast implants are manufactured with thick, vulcanized shells that are treated at room temperature. These silicone elastomer shells are filled with salt water after the implant is inserted. The silicone gel implants are silicone rubber envelopes that are filled with viscous and thick silicone gel. The breast implants are inserted via a number of different surgical incisions.
In the inframammary method, an incision is made in the infra mammary fold, below the breast. This type of incision is most common because it allows maximum access for the placement of the chosen implant. This method is preferred for silicone gel breast implants, but it results in visible scars, especially in the case of smaller breasts. In the periareolar method, an incision is made on the areolar border. The scars from this method are usually on the edge of the areola and hence are less visible. In the transaxillary method of breast implant, the incision is made in the armpit and the dissection enables the surgeon to achieve the desired symmetry for the implant position. The transumbilical method involves an incision made in the navel. The transumbilical procedure can be performed via endoscopy.
Breast implants are now very common and are indulged in by women all across the world and from different cultures. There are cases where the need to rectify the size of the breast or breasts is so desperate that women have indulged in loans to cover the incurred expenses. Now, a wing of the medical fraternity and the various insurance agents and companies, the world over, are making this dream a reality for many women.
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