Brian Steidle talks about the urgency of Darfur

<p><object width="425" height="350">July 27, 2007 (GROUNDREPORT TV) — Interview with Brian Steidle, author of <em>The Devil Came on Horseback </em>and subject of the documentary by the same name. Brian went to Sudan as an unarmed military observer for the African Union and left so changed by what he’d&nbsp; seen that he has devoted his life to raisin awareness about the&nbsp; Darfur conflict.Here Brian talks with Rachel Sterne about the feasibility of the joint UN-African Union force, the UN report linking the conflict to climate change and how people make their voice heard.<br />
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<p><br />
About the Darfur conflict: <a href="http://savedarfur.org">Save Darfur</a><br />
About the movie: <a href="http://www.thedevilcameonhorseback.com/">The Devil Came on Horseback</a><br />
About the book: <em>The Devil Came on Horseback </em>is available at Amazon.</p>
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