<p><object width="425" height="350">July 27, 2007 (GROUNDREPORT TV) — Interview with Brian Steidle, author of <em>The Devil Came on Horseback </em>and subject of the documentary by the same name. Brian went to Sudan as an unarmed military observer for the African Union and left so changed by what he’d seen that he has devoted his life to raisin awareness about the Darfur conflict.Here Brian talks with Rachel Sterne about the feasibility of the joint UN-African Union force, the UN report linking the conflict to climate change and how people make their voice heard.<br />
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OmsbU9iRgaI" /><br />
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<p><br />
About the Darfur conflict: <a href="http://savedarfur.org">Save Darfur</a><br />
About the movie: <a href="http://www.thedevilcameonhorseback.com/">The Devil Came on Horseback</a><br />
About the book: <em>The Devil Came on Horseback </em>is available at Amazon.</p>
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