For human beings, sexuality is an important part of life and forthem to fulfill this need they require legitimate means. As we know today, any bonds that do not have legal saction or the societal acceptance is bound to create trouble for its survival. Similarly, any bond, which is not tether by the sanctity of marriage, will certainly prove for full of problems. Gratifying the biological needs through unsocial means is unacceeptable to the society. Our society upholds the value of chastity and virginity before marriage is solemnized. The martial alliance creates an emotional sense and binds the couple through good and bad times, and also solidifies their relation throughout life. It is rare for a couple having pre-nuptial coition to stay longer and take the vows to get married. The rate of divorce is much higher among those couples who are engaged in pre-marital sex or resides together before deciding to tie the knots.
Bride with a Honey Moon Knife -3
The infidelity towards martial alliance pose unthinkable grief, pain, confusion and sleepless nights not to mention the family discord arises out of this mess. When betrayel by any one of the spouses comes out in open, the loyal partner may endure the nightmare but scar caused by this infidelity cannot be healed easily. The irreparable damage done to marriage can never be salvage. Besides, the premartial affairs, the extramarital relations can also take a toll and can have serious consequences on their long-term relationship such as the sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. However, no matter, premarital and extra marital affairs are treated but they are eating into the healthy relationship of marriage only to kill it. Faithlessness towards a partner nowadays is swelling like an incurable disease.