A young man had committed suicide on Monday in Meerozai village of Kohat, after 24 hours of his suicide his sister had also committed suicide on Tuesday. In Meerozai village of Kohat Muzafar Hayat son of Sikander Hayat had shot himself dead in his home due to unknown reasons, his young sister Aisha was deeply shocked and was unable to tolerate separation from him, consequently she had also shot herself dead within her home. According to police sources when dead body of Aisha was brought to Liaqat hospital Kohat her postmortem was delayed for two hours due to absence of lady doctor, her angry relatives had shouted slogans against hospital administration and became violent, after intervention of police they were pacified, her relatives had taken back her dead body without postmortem and went back to Meerozai village eventually in peaceful manner, and have buried her dead body in her native graveyard in Meerozai Kohat.
Submitted by
Abdur Raziq
Cell phone # 00923339607378
Note: This news story has been also published at allvoices.com and http://raziq1.blogspot.com