Burma Cyclone Reveals Selfishness of Junta

   The cyclone that devastated Burma incurably left an indelible grief among all victims and their acquaintances. The cyclone didn’t only obliterate the houses of millions of people, but had also annihilated as many as a hundred-thousand people, and the number may still continue to rise for the days to come.

   Amid the cry for rescue and food, the junta is doing little to help their people. A woman luckily survived only to witness the callousness and brutality of the military government recounted spotting only one single truck, carrying no more than 40 soldiers, in one of the most severely struck areas, not trying to help the victims still under the rubbles that needed dire immediate help, but was only focusing on cleaning up the mess caused by fallen trees. Comparing with the military’s malicious responds of killing and slaughtering in a blood-shed to the riots commenced by monks in Burma in September last year, one can easily perceive the absurd disparity between suppressing and helping the people it rules.
    The government may not have sparked as much controversy if they had gave concurrence to the volunteer helpers to enter their country, in order to provide food and water and medicine to the affected people in dire need. The thirst of the people may well lead them into drinking the dirtiest of water, where corpses of dogs and pigs and even human floated somewhere else along the river. This made the survivors oblivious to the lethal virus that pervaded the river, and the consumption of it will presumably result in widespread epidemics. Malnutrition may also culminate into weakened immune system of the people and making them more vulnerable to the deadly virus. Some scientists pointed out that the mishandling of the government after the disaster may cause death to the same amount of people being killed in the catastrophe.
    The obdurate juntas, wanting nothing but to protect and secure their own rights, must from now on, make the people their priority and find ways to curb the imminent disease. If the government doesn’t repent before it is too late, a horrible consequence will force them to step-down from their five-decade rule. It is for their own good if they show a bit of openness to the world and assure the international governments that the military rule is no longer as paranoia as before, which will willingly accept aid, thus ‘capable of ruling the people by themselves’ in the future.  
Blissful Delirium:
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