Businesses Should Focus On Responsive Websites – Few Undeniable Reasons

It’s probably not a surprise that internet usage through mobile devices has been skyrocketing over the past few years. According to a Morgan Stanley report, mobile internet usage was predicted to match up to the level of desktop usage by 2014 and now that it’s 2017, mobile usage has surpassed all expectations as over 50% of users are accessing the internet through hand-held devices.

Even after such compelling and intriguing evidence, there are large numbers of businesses that still don’t have mobile-friendly websites. This isn’t only causing headache among users but it is also a loss in business opportunity.In today’s age, it is critical for businesses to develop responsive websites so that mobile users can see the perfect form of the site, even when they open it on their mobile phones. If you’re not yet convinced about why you should have a responsive website, here are a few reasons to check out.

  • Usage of mobile phones are exploding like never before

No, this is definitely not something to be surprised at. Here are few statistics which will speak for the increased use of mobile phones for accessing the web.

  1. More than 60% of Google searches are done on mobile devices
  2. Much more than half of the local searches were performed on mobile devices
  3. In America, 30% of internet users access the internet on a mobile device
  4. 68% of people have clear opinion on brands when they offer a good experience on mobile
  5. 60% of all mail are opened on mobile phones and among them there are many who even use tablets to read e-mails
  • Providing positive user experience is necessary

If a user lands on your website and is totally frustrated with the format, there is a 65% chance that he will leave immediately and will never visit your website again. He will instead visit a competitor’s website. At the same time, it is also said that if a user has some kind of positive experience on your site, he will be 68% more likely to buy products and services from your company. Hence, you have to always ensure that you offer the best user experience to your visitors.

  • Social interaction and blogging attracts visitors

Similar to most inbound marketers, it is important to incorporate elements of social media and blogging with your marketing strategy as it will allow you to see increased traffic through mobile devices.

A recent survey showed that 58% of social media consumption happens on some kind of mobile device. When you’re sharing content links to your website and you don’t have a responsive website, you will not only receive high bounce rates but also low rates of conversion. The website visitor will also become frustrated.

So, if you’re curious about having a new mobile friendly website, or revamping your current website, it is important to ensure the designer is of the best SEO Toronto company. Hire someone who has got years of experience, and knowledge in responsive designing.

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