When you hear a case of hijacking what comes into your mind is the political or the religious cause for which a person or group of persons indulge in such an act, but, behold and read this hijacking by a singleman just not for ransom but the way he had executed the act and still eludes the law assuming he is alive.
In November 1971 a man estimated to be in his forties hijacked a Northwest Airlines flight 305 that toook off from Portland and bound for Seattle. According to varying descrfiptions of the physical attirbutes of this person , he was about 6ft in height,175kgs in weight with brown eyes,nothing unusual about them. He identiifed himself as Cooper or Dan and till date nobody knows his real name.
As soon as the flight took off, he handed over a note to a flight attendant sayig that he had a bomb in his suitcase. He had demanded 4 parachutes and us$200000 in cash all in 20$ bills.
After getting his ransomin seattle where the flight had landed, he had exchanged the 36 Passengers on board, but, held the flight attendants still in hostage and demanded the flight to takeoff to somewhere in Mexico City. when the flight was in midair somewhere between Seattle and Reno City, he jumped out of the plane by the rear end and disappeared. of course the flight landed safely.
Now even after 36 years after the incident nobody has a clue aout this hijacker, who he is and is he still alive and if so where does he live and what was the real motive of his hijacking. The only clue that one has is that some of cash whihc he took as a ransom was found scattered in the wilderness which was located by a youngboy that too in 1980.
The FBI has reopned this case and handed over to a veteran agent Mr.Carr who was specialising in Bank Robberies. He likens this case similar to that of a bank robberyieswherein the cultprits are found out by widepublishing of their picutres and similar materials so that people who could have seen them can give vital clues. In a similar way, with the advancement in technolgy, he has published the material about this person and expect sombody to come and say Yes, HE IS MY UNCLE WHO HAD DISAPPEARED ONEDAY IN 1971.
Perhaps in the history of hijacking, this is the only case where the hijacker who is not known to be an expert diver nor having any ground support, had demande the parchutte in retrun for ransom of course with the cash and had the guts to jump out of the plane.