Canadian Special Forces in Iraq killing ISIS gunmen in droves

An elite member of the Canadian Special Forces Sniper team. Circa 2014.

Despite months of claims by the Conservative government that the country’s troops would not be in combat, Canadian special forces have been on the front lines in Iraq, calling in precision air strikes on ISIS command and control nodes and killing ISIS gunmen with sniper fire.

This according to a source in the Canadian Defense Department, who asked not to be identified in this report for security reasons.

“We are killing them in droves “, the source said.

See video: Canadian Army in action: Snipers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWjpfce1F2A

There are approximately 625 Canadian military personnel involved in the Iraq mission against ISIS. Those include some 69 special forces in northern Iraq, and aircrews in Kuwait who are supporting and operating six CF-18 fighter jets, two CP-140 Aurora reconnaissance aircraft and a CC-150 Polaris in-air refueling tanker.

The Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR; French: Régiment d’opérations spéciales du Canada, ROSC) is a battalion-sized, high-readiness special operations unit part of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).

Canadian Special Operations Regiment – CSOR, located in Petawawa, Canada conducts missions overseas. Those could range from training indigenous military forces to launching attacks on enemy sites.

Another unit involved in the fight against ISIS is the 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron – this unit, based at Petawawa. It provides helicopter transport and other aviation support for Canada’s special forces.

Canadian Special Operations Forces Command – known as CANSOFCOM is the headquarters for special forces units.

The unit headquarters is based in Ottawa.

Canadian special forces are considered the best in the world at what they do – which is providing the maximum opportunity for enemy soldiers to die for their cause and country.

See related video: Canadian Special Forces – JTF2 & CSOR  (Black Devils) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKMSJnQquCw

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