CAPACOCHA is a religious ritual followed by Inca’s some 500-600 years ago. In Capacocha healthy children were sacrificed . The Inca’s used to believe that the children do not die but they join their ancestors & look after the village from mountain tops like angels. According to the Inca’s the child chosen for the sacrifice was the blessed one & only the beautiful & healthy child was sacrificed. Parents themselves offer their child for Capacocha. Before the sacrifice the child was made to walk hundreds of miles & than asked to drink CHICHA -a maize beer . When the child falls asleep & was in deep sleep , he or she was placed in underground niches where they froze to death. In recent past bodies of 3 Inca children were entombed from the 22 , 000 feet summit of Mount Lillaillaco , a volcano near the Chilean border. The children entombed were victim of Capacocha. The mummies ( the 3 Inca children ) are believed to be some 500 years old & are considered as the World’s best preserved mummies because internal organs are intact & blood is still in lungs , heart & skin. There are many tombs of Inca children which have not been entombed yet.

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