Categories: Politics

Carrying on Tucson’s Solar Initiative


In 2007, the U.S. Department of Energy named Tucson a Solar America city.  Tucson’s Solar Initiative represents a commitment to integrating solar energy into urban planning and city processes not just then, but over the next nine years. In this year’s election, it is vitally important that politicians be elected who are committed to supporting Mayor Bob Walkup and Governor Janet Napolitano in carrying on with their dedication to solar energy.

Incumbent Gabrielle Giffords has made solar energy a priority through out her term in Congress. In 2007, she sponsored the Solar Energy Research and Advancement Act, which was included as part of a comprehensive energy package that passed the House in December, and the Renewable Energy Assistance Act, a bill that would safe guard tax incentives for installing solar energy systems.

As recently as March of this year, she presided over a Solar Field Hearing discussing the potential for utility scale solar energy. Giffords’ research through her Community Solar Energy Initiative advisory council and work group has proved that the technology for wide scale solar energy exists; all that the community needs is education and proper financial incentives. Giffords initially refused to vote for the recent bail out until an extension of tax credits for renewable resources was added.


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