The Obama administration’s cash for clunkers program is another marker on the road to serfdom. We are indebted to Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek’s insights into the baleful consequences of the welfare state in his best-known book The Road To Serfdom.
What is it at heart? Welfare for some car owners. Corporate welfare for some major automaking corporations and their unionized employees. Corporate welfare for auto dealers. Obama earns some political credit with environmentalists, unions, car owners, car dealers and car manufacturers.
Although I will personally benefit from this scheme as my firm supplies both car manufacturers and the automotive accessories aftermarket, I reject it as yet another example of legalized theft. I could trade in my twelve year old car too, but will not.
The welfare recipients listed above are parasites and receivers of stolen goods. Obama is the new Parasite-in-Chief, replacing the equally corrupting Parasite-in-Chief Bush just as Franklin Roosevelt replaced Herbert Hoover with even more statist, parasitic policies. See Murray Rothbard, America’s Great Depression and my article "Today’s Economic Crisis Needs Yesterday’s Economic Wisdom"
One key marker on the road to serfdom is that the Obama Administration and its accomplices do not even make the pretense of constitutional authority for this outrage. The program should be renamed Cash for the Corrupt. -30-
About the author: Richard Cooper is an international trade executive with a manufacturing firm on Long Island, New York, USA. He is active in the Libertarian Party on eminent domain and other issues. He was chair of the Libertarian Party of New York
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