CBSE going to released CBSE 12th Result 2014, friends you can Check CBSE 12th Result 2014 Name Wise, State Wise and Download easily on official website which is, CBSE is central board of secondary education, head of CBSE is in New Delhi, because this is managed by Central government of India therefore this is main education board of India. So this result will be declared on 26th May 2014 and you get on official website. Date is confirmed but time is not confirmed, so all are waiting for this results. CBSE is main and popular education board of India, and this board giving affiliation to schools and approximately 13000 schools are affiliated by CBSE board of education. Approximately 13 lakhs students registered in the education in 2013 to 2014. 13,28,970 students appeared this year in 12th of CBSE. On which 7,93,940 are males attend and 5,35,030 are females attend in CBSE 12th 2014. So friends these 13 lakhs students registered and all are attended the exam and all are want to check there CBSE 12th Result 2014.
How to Check CBSE 12th Result 2014 Name Wise, State Wise and Download:
Click Here To Check CBSE 12th Result 2014 Name Wise, State Wise and Download and also on official website which is
- First of all of you have to open you internet browser like Google chrome, Internet explorer or Mozilla Firfox then go to
- When you get you offical website of CBSE you have to add your roll number in first box and left side of box written roll number.
- After that you have to add date of birth on which box you have to add on left side written Date of Birth.
- After that click on Submit button.
- After that you have to download easily on by clicking on download.
- After that you have to take print easily by clicking on print button if you not get print button you have to type Ctrl+P so you get print toolbar and chose 1 page and click on apply button.
This is very important result all over India because after these CBSE 12th result 2014 students have to go for senior college, in different professional fields like in Medical field (like: Doctor, Pharmacist, Researcher), Engineering (Like: IT Engineer, Civil Engineer, Auto Mobile Engineer, Mechanical Engineering and also Computer Engineering) and much more fields are these fields are only for science background students. For Commerce students those chose CA, Accountant job in Bank etc. for Arts students those go for the B.A. and D.ED. etc. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.
I know this result is very important and all 13 lakhs students are waiting for this CBSE 12th Result 2014 and all are want to check them. This result we will get on Monday on official website after checking your result online you have to go to your school for collection the original copy of your CBSE 12th result and leaving certificate from your school, after 6 months you have to collect passing certificate of your result. So friends hope you like CBSE 12th Result 2014: Check CBSE 12th Result 2014 Name Wise, State Wise and Download.