Why A CEO Should Care About Their Twitter Presence

Social Networks have really impacted the world since its creation. Almost everybody in the world uses it to communicate, express their feelings and opinions, advertise or just crack a joke. Long gone are the days that men used ravens, mail and expensive materials to get noticed, for the World Wide Web has provided the best and most effective and efficient choice of all. Whether or not one has a computer or even knows the basics of the social media maze, one thing is for sure, there will never be a brighter or more obvious place to learn, feel, touch and engage.

There are numerous social networking sites and each offer almost the same kind of services. Although they have different names and brands, each has its own identity and reputation but one thing has buried Twitter in the mind of its users. That would be Twitter’s power to reach people, or let’s say, the chances of getting noticed. A well-managed Twitter presence has really helped out companies, big and small businesses, and artists, but for me, there is only one option that needs to be considered, and that’s tweeting.

Tweeting, a term which came from the name of the website Twitter, is actually like getting a reply or message but in a different kind of way. It enables everyone to repost what you said or what products you posted as long as they re-tweet it. That is why it’s better than the usual “Like or follow”, since it provides both results with an added bonus, an extra kick in free and public advertisement. Now if you are still in doubt whether or not having a CEO publicly manage his or her own Twitter account, here are some factors that you should consider:

Brand Engagement are 17-19% Higher on Weekends!

Not many people know this, but tweeting Brand names on the weekends produce 17 – 19% higher click rates, meaning more people can retweet the product or brand you are representing, selling, or promoting. An explanation for this is that most people have their day offs during these days and re-tweeting is actually easier than posting or sharing. You can also use programs like Buffer to schedule your tweets whenever you want!

Image Tweets Get Twice the Engagement than Those Without

Of course like any other social networking site, Twitter users feed off images to enhance the knowledge of a product or service. This allows you to get more retweets and have get more Twitter followers because pictures are very powerful in communicating with the consumer. A recent study also shows that Tweets with pictures get 18% more clicks, 89% more “favorites”, and 150% more retweets! it simpler presentation attracts more people, that is why overdoing a product presentation will confuse your demographic big time. Just post the right amount of colors and kickers to knock them off their feet.

The Shorter the Better

To cut things short, as in short, people are more fond of reading tweets because they have less characters and are straight to the point rather than those long and boring posts. You’ll be able to get more people to engage with your Tweets, Brand, and Products by keeping your Tweets short. this way and that is way better than likes and shares. Also, since you’re probably very busy as the CEO – you really don’t have much time to spend Tweeting anyway.

55 – 64 Age Demographic chooses Twitter

The fastest growing demo for retweeters are ages 55 – 64 years old. This is good news since older people tend to buy more products that they think they could use, plus it’s also a good way to market the young ones since they will seek advice from older people on what to buy or what to avail. This is surely a nice way to promote any brand. As the CEO, this is the best social networking you can do – plus, the younger generation will respect you for maintaining your own account.

Hashtags + Tweets = Instant Retweets

This simple combination will boost any tweet out there to its full potential as compared to shares and likes. Getting 21% increase is expected when you use hashtags with tweets since it gives users more options and a wider variety of keywords to search for your product or service. Keeping the appropriate hashtags will definitely guide the target audience to their proper places and is better than any liking or following. Also, as a leader in the Industry, you can create your own trending hashtags and force your competitors to use them, if they want to stay “in the loop.”

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