Channelling your anger to do something productive


  Anger is a deadly poison and does have repercussions if not handled properly. It is not only harmful to the person himself but the words and actions are harmful to the person against whom they are targeted at. We all need to learn how to channel our anger and use it in a beneficial way instead of causing harm. We all get angry for various reasons and in various proportions. It is important to know why we are angry, how not to hold on to the anger, and how to channel the anger in order to make one a better person. We get angry when someone says something, or someone does not keep their promises, or someone does something which we do not like or which we do not agree with. The reasons are numerous. Kids get angry with parents because they were told something which they did not like to hear for instance not to watch their favourite show on TV, the boss gets angry because you have not done the work in the way they wanted. So the reasons are numerous and anything and anyone can make you angry. But the important thing is something is making you angry. Anger makes you annoyed and mad. These in turn make you a different person than one is used to seeing you. If you usually look at the things that make you angry you will notice that in most instances that you get angry for longer duration with people who are closest to you.
The more you hold on to your anger the more you suffer and the lesser your power of reasoning becomes. This is the state in which you destroy wonderful relationships, hurt yourself and the ones who you are close with. That is why the popular saying says,” The ones who gods want to destroy they make them mad first”. Once you realize you are angry see what can make you calm down a little, it could a walk or an activity like work or punching a bag or watching a TV show or a cartoon. Do not replay the scene that made you angry. It only makes matters worse by supplying steam to your anger. Try to calm down and let out that anger without any friction. The key word is to be able to let it out without friction or unnecessary arguments.
If your anger is over something such as a relationship or loss of a kid or loved one the chances are this is going to take longer to get over with. In such cases channel your anger by helping kids or working and spending time with the kids. Several researchers have agreed that spending time with social and charitable causes or other activities you love causes the energy to be focussed in a more productive way and dissipate the anger.             If you are into art or into collection of rare items it takes your mind of the problem and gives you gratification. Similarly consider any classes that may make you calmer. You might want to improve your skills or learn a new language or unless you have an affinity towards kids involve with kids that would make yourself happier. If you have a garden take walks in the garden and take keen interest in plants. Sometime your anger may be caused from a sense of failure or rejection. Keep in mind that there is nothing like failure it is only a temporary phase. In the great journey of life all these events are only like a rain drop in an ocean all things will eventually pass. Holding anger will only make it worse for you and combining anger with grudges will only make matters worse. Anger with grudges is probably worse than many diseases out there. When you cultivate pleasing personality and manage your words and anger you will lead to be a better person. Always remember when you get angry or are upset to step back and give enough time for it to settle down. Remember it is only a bad phase and when good things happen they come so quickly and in such abundance that all the suffering would be past. Remember we are the captains of ourselves and we have with in our power to control our actions and anger. Our own limitations are those that we set in our own minds; learn the art of channelling anger instead of ruining yourself and those who learn it achieve and reach higher depths in their chosen fields.
Suman Varanasi:
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